It's easy to forget what it’s like.
What it’s like to throw leaves in the air on the count of three. What it’s like to show off your new baby brother. What it’s like to not care that your socks are soaking wet. And your boots. And your jeans.
Hunter and Roper made me remember.
Gina wasn’t looking for meticulously posed portraits. She wanted pictures of her kids, who she informed me would have no interest in posing or being perfect. I assured her that I like that sort of thing. And I really do.
They were hilarious and beautiful and without insecurities. Bailer was calm, bright-eyed, and a little confused about why I would try to put him in a basket. I underestimated his size, but we worked through it and are still friends. Best of all, Hunter and Roper didn’t judge me for bribing them with animal crackers to get one last shot before we called it a day. (I admit it. I felt like a hero when it came time to deliver the goods.)
It wasn’t posed. But the three of them―just being kids―were perfect.
Thank you for the adventure. Here are a few of my favorites.