I liked Sara right away. I liked her excitement, her joy, her good attitude. On the other end of our second phone conversation was a girl who was thrilled to be getting married, who couldn't wait to meet up to talk about photography, and who was obviously smitten with the man she would soon call husband.
I hadn't met Nick before this weekend's engagement pictures, but at the end of our first phone conversation, he thanked me and told me to have a good day. I knew I would like him, too. I was not surprised to see him help Sara cross the creek, hold her hand, and laugh out loud.
It didn't hurt that she couldn't stop telling him how handsome he was, or that he seemed to like the kissing photos best.
Sara and Nick, thank you for the fun afternoon. I am so thrilled that you chose me to be your photographer, and am looking forward to your wedding in May. Hope you enjoy my favorites!