I met Justus last week, and let me just say, this kid has options.
We started out at the airport. Justus is a cadet commander, and cadet Senior Master Sergeant in the Civil Air Patrol. His uniform was blue. The plane was blue. His eyes are blue. The sky was grey. Kidding. It was blue, too. From there we drove to the football field to get a few of Justus in his jersey. Because his talents don’t stop there, Brenda invited me to their home to take a few with Justus' horse. It was perfect, and I was only half joking when I suggested to Brenda that we get together for a shoot there every day.
So, after spending four hours between two days with Brenda and Justus, my impression of him is this: He is genuine and intelligent. He is soft spoken, but not without a sense of humor. He will be successful, and happy, and endlessly kind to others. His horse will always adore him, and his family will always be proud. And I’m willing to bet that this time, I'm not wrong.
Thank you, Justus, Brenda, and Dar, for thinking of me. I truly enjoyed working with you.

These are spectacular images. What a handsome and talented young man! And, the photographer is raising the bar with each posting. Very nicely done Jessica.