Megan is a good kind of shy, with a creative side and shining blue eyes. I was able to spend some time with her and her brother Jacob, exploring alleyways and train cars in Chadron.
Megan is a junior at Chadron High School, and wanted something other than the usual school pictures. She was the reason for the adventure, but Jacob―our tour guide―was willing to jump in for some sibling shots when needed. (Extra long side note: Small world! While talking with Jacob, I found out that his grandpa does a pancake breakfast at Rafter J Bar Ranch Campground where I used to work in the summers. Conrad brought me pancakes and sausage when I was lucky enough to work the morning shift. It was several years ago, so I doubt he would remember me, but it made me smile to recall his kindness. Much shorter side note: I live for pancakes.)
Chadron has a fantastic downtown for photos, and we seemed to find a new backdrop around each corner. Megan brought spirit to an otherwise lifeless brown wall, and polish to tired brick. Chipped white paint sparkled with her standing near it. And the best part about Megan? I don’t even think she knows she is capable of such things. She is not the girl who will tell you she’s smart or beautiful, but you can’t help but notice on your own. And that’s what I call the best kind of shy.
Thank you, Bradley family, for inviting me to spend an afternoon downtown. Hope you enjoy my favorites.

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