I love Christmas. LOVE. That's right. Capitals and bold, together in one word.
Our tree this year has more lights than branches, but I adore the old fashioned feeling of a tree with imperfections. It makes me want to watch Charlie Brown and string popcorn and cranberries like they did on The Waltons, where every Christmas was the best ever.
My always patient, saint-of-a-mother let us string popcorn one year, and it was only a slight disaster. My older brother Cole's was crafted perfectly, and well deserved the oohs and ahhs it received as he wrapped it around the tree. Being the wizard that I am with a needle and thread, I somehow turned mine into more of a cluster (yes...as in grapes), and it was hung as an ornament somewhere near the back. I will try again someday, and will not feel too badly if my skills have not improved. Heaven forbid they haven't, considering I was five.
I have much to be thankful for this year. God has blessed me with a happy marriage, a supportive family, unbelievable in-laws, new clients, and creative challenges. I have a few ideas to kick-off the new year, and will share those as they unfold.
In the meantime, we will make plans to travel with family, scramble to find gifts, and enjoy the season. My heart this time of year is so full that it could burst at any moment. I think this is probably how those Waltons felt.

I have much to be thankful for this year. God has blessed me with a happy marriage, a supportive family, unbelievable in-laws, new clients, and creative challenges. I have a few ideas to kick-off the new year, and will share those as they unfold.
In the meantime, we will make plans to travel with family, scramble to find gifts, and enjoy the season. My heart this time of year is so full that it could burst at any moment. I think this is probably how those Waltons felt.

Wishing you nothing but the very best this Christmas! Hope to see your lovely self soon. I came across a jar of maraschino cherries the other day and thought of you. Well, knowing the two of us in college, basically anything with sugar involved reminds me of you :) Take care and Merry Christmas!
I admire your photography and professionalism and am so happy to call you friend. And, I agree that your momma is a saint! Blessings to you and yours this Christmas season. Good night John-Boy! I loved the Waltons too.
Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for all of the hard work you did for our famiy this year. And I have to agree with Judy....your mother is a saint.