I'm sure those of you who know Wyatt and Yolanda won't be at all surprised to learn that I instantly fell in love with their outlook. They were relaxed, cheerful, and up for any idea I may have had. Typically, I have my clients meet me where we're going, or I drive them so that I can pull over if I get inspired by something on the way. It didn't work like that this time, because their adorable weimaraner, Meise, joined us for the session. (Side note: Brett, if you're reading this, please take notice of how well behaved Meise is in the pictures below. And beautiful... And smart...) Rather than drive separate vehicles, they let me tag along with the three of them. I warned Wyatt that I may ask him to pull over if the above stated inspiration should hit. He was willing to comply, and suggested we wear our seat belts.
The purpose of an engagement session (in addition to beautiful photos, of course), is to get to know the bride and groom. Oftentimes, the drive serves this purpose perfectly, and this outing was no different. We got to chat about Yolanda's school year coming to an end, and Wyatt's daily commute through the hills for work. We talked about the wedding planning and dog collars, student teachers and the hectic May they've had.
But most importantly, I got to see them together - discussing and laughing and tossing around ideas. I couldn't help but notice how hard he made her laugh (reverse dancing?) and how completely comfortable they are with one another. It seemed only right that soon they'll officially be a family.
Wyatt and Yolanda, thank you so much for the Sunday drive. I loved getting to know you better, and appreciate your patience with my backseat navigation. Enjoy my favorites!

Oh my goodness Yo you look great, its not very often that I dont see you out of softball attire ;) Congratulations on the engagement!